Main Window

Modified on 2016/12/20 10:17 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

T4’s Main Window will appear at the top of your screen by default.

The Main Window is where you set the Current Trading Account, create new items, change global properties, and save global settings. P&L and Cash for the Currently Trading Account are also displayed. The Current Trading Account is T4’s active account. Any trades submitted and any account related information displayed is going to be for this account. The only place to view all your account information is the Account Board.

The lower half of the window displays T4’s connection status, exchange messages, and your user name. Click on the exchange message drop down to view messages sent by the exchanges. The Status Bar also doubles as a Market Ticker when a status change isn’t being displayed. By clicking on the Status Bar you are able to add any markets to the Market Ticker.


1Company BrandDisplays the name of the firm. This can be branded to the firm’s specification.
2 Connection StatusIf connection to the server is lost then this will flash red.
3 Current UserThe name of the user that is currently logged in.
4 Current Trading AccountThe Current Trading Account is the active T4 account. Orders submitted, and account related information displayed, will be for this account. Click the down arrow to choose a new account.
5 P&LProfit and Loss for the session for the Current Trading Account.
6 Available CashAvailable Cash for the Current Trading Account. This is your account balance, plus any P&L, less any margin requirements for your open positions and working orders.
7 Status BarThe status bar will flash messages from the exchange or from your firm’s admin. To review changes in status click the drop down button.
8 Market TickerThe Status Bar also doubles as a Market Ticker when a status change isn’t being displayed. By clicking on the Status Bar you are able to add any markets you desire to the Market Ticker. Displays the market, the last price traded, last quantity traded, and the net change.
9 New Item MenuClick to open the New Item Menu. This allows you to create new Contract windows, Quote boards, Account boards or Order Book windows.
10 Main PropertiesClick to bring up all the main properties and settings for the T4 application
11 Save MarketClick to save the current User Settings.
12 Help And SupportAutomatically opens this help document.
13 Minimize, Restore, CloseThe minimize, restore, and close buttons are located in the upper right hand corner of the window. Minimizing and restoring the Main Window will minimize and restore all T4 windows. Closing this window will close T4.

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New Item Menu
Status Bar
Main Properties